Executive Coaching
Here’s what you can expect from our coaching program:
Are you tired of feeling stuck in your career?
Do you want to take your leadership skills to the next level and achieve your professional goals?
Our executive coaching program can help you unlock your potential and transform your career.
When you participate in our coaching program, you’ll gain access to the wisdom and understanding that only comes from years of experience working with successful leaders. Our coach will work with you to develop a customized coaching plan that addresses your specific challenges and aspirations. With our support, you’ll be able to break through the obstacles that may be holding you back and achieve your goals.
Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect from our coaching program:
- Develop your leadership skills: Our coach will provide you with the tools and strategies you need to become a more effective leader. You’ll learn how to motivate and inspire your team, communicate with confidence, and make strategic decisions that drive results.
- Increase your confidence: Many of our clients struggle with imposter syndrome or self-doubt. Our coach will help you identify your strengths and build your confidence, so you can step into your role as a leader with conviction and clarity.
- Gain clarity and focus: It’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day tasks of your job and lose sight of your long-term goals. Our coach will help you clarify your vision and develop a plan to achieve your objectives, so you can stay focused on what matters most.
- Achieve your professional goals: Whether you’re looking to land a promotion, transition to a new industry, or start your own business, our coaching program can help you achieve your goals. We’ll provide you with the support and guidance you need to make your dreams a reality.
Don’t let another day go by feeling unfulfilled in your career. Schedule a discovery call with our coach today and take the first step towards unlocking your potential and transforming your career.
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I just wanted to take a moment and say how much I love Harmony Woodington! I really began to question myself and feel bad for letting everything fly out of me on this beautiful group page when I was having an intense moment. For a moment, I felt unsafe, ungrounded and lost. I was always told that I was too much, my emotions are intense and people can’t deal. I was afraid that I was too much. Right before I had a conversation with her, I had tears in my eyes. ..She confirmed to me how unconditionally loved I am. That I get to show up however I show up, when and where I show up. To hold space for me and to love everything about me, all the moments and experiences. She was telling me that my feelings are valid. She asked me the first memory I had Pertaining to this. I told her and she said “do you see that your feelings are valid and to let yourself feel it” Just the love coming from this Divine being and beautiful Goddess is something I haven’t experienced, not with Tteachers/healers. So for all of you who are reading this, to confirm, you are and I am Divine beings. We are perfectly imperfect and no matter what moment/experience you’re having, hold space, feel and love the hell out of yourself no matter what. This is something I’m Ingesting now and I wanted to share it! Love Love to you all! 😘😘
– Mandy
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It’s 4:12 am and yes I’ve just woke up really early again!!! and so decided to see what was happening here.
Wow what an amazing conversational thread. 💖
I know myself very well and even though I am good at helping people release their emotional pain around loss and grief, I have always felt slightly…..hmmm….ok a lot…. uncomfortable with open displays of love. It makes me cringe inside and I swat compliments away like an annoying fly.
I was trying to figure out why. Is it because I’m British and we are more reserved emotionally?
Is it because my mother shut down emotionally after my father died when I was very young? Is it because my natural personality is reserved and I don’t wear my heart on my sleeve? Is it because I’m afraid if I give all if my heart I have nothing in reserve to protect myself from being hurt?
I think the answer is yes to all of the above. And yet, most of all I’ve never felt so unconditionally loved and accepted just as I am as I do with Harmony and with you all here
A few years, possibly even a few months, ago I would have run a mile from a group like this because I would have found it too uncomfortable.
Harmony, you have a way of making others feel they are perfect just the way they are. Thank you 💞
Like all the pieces of a puzzle are different, yet when you put them together in the right way they fit perfectly together and the result is stunning.
We are all different, we are all beautiful, we are all diamonds and we all deserve to be happy, healthy, wealthy and loved. Xxxx
– Sandra Owen
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After another failed attempt to date, I was triggered by unhealed emotions, leaving me to feel lifeless, and without hope. A common theme in my life. I was recommended to speak with her, and I am forever grateful for our paths crossed paths. Harmony’s Love Magnet program has been one of the greatest investments I’ve made in my life. Our weekly calls explored many aspects of my life and released a lot of emotional trauma. She truly loves you unconditionally holding space and creating an environment of love and trust to work through and heal. She’s really thought of everything. I now have a tool kit of self-love tools to support my journey beyond the program that I have learned and implemented daily. I would recommend this program to anyone that is looking to truly transform their life, own their power and live an authentic beautiful life. A life you are so worthy of. Love and light!
– Alison
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I had challenges in my long-term romantic relationship. It was starting to feel daunting and wondering how we could ever come to an agreement or any solution.
She literally awakened me! She opened my eyes and made me realize it was okay and perfectly normal for the differences my fiancé and I were having. That it’s okay that we respond differently to things. We each have our own role to play and need to understand and respect that.
She isn’t following some psychology book or trying to diagnose me and tell me to do this or that. It was just simply how she explained to me that we are perfectly imperfect the way we are and to honour one another regardless of the way we may choose to view things. We complete one another.
My favourite word that she uses is “expedite.” She did just that and expedited the process by allowing me to see things from a different light. She truly guided me through a rocky road in my relationship and I’m so grateful for that!
I feel emotionally lighter and more understanding within my relationship. I feel at ease knowing there is a solution. Also, having Harmony in my life as someone who can hold space and be of such support, I trust she can guide me through any challenges that may arise. She listens and understands while sharing such wisdom that anyone can implement if they choose to believe and apply what they learn from her.
– Jenn
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Before commencing my journey with Harmony, I was emotionally closed off to life and people. Past experiences made this seem like the most logical choice.
I only lived and processed with my head never giving any thought to how I felt. A great friend of mine casually introduced Harmony to me, and my life hasn’t been the same since that day. Working with her through the program she has created has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
Learning to let go of past emotional hurts and traumas has been instrumental to me living a full emotionally engaged life. The world is no longer just black and white. It’s full of many beautiful colours and I get to enjoy them with a free and open heart.
The program and environment she has created have allowed me to have a simple lifelong compass to guide me through my life journey. I’m no longer lost. I’m guiding my own life and heading forward loaded with tools to go through any circumstance to create the life I desire. Love is from within.
Loving myself has transformed me from a boy to a man. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to live an engaged life based on love.
-Nqobile Patrick Ndlovu
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I was having major issues concentrating on life and a future. I had just started the process of separating and divorcing after 13 years of marriage and two kids. This made it very difficult for me to accept that there was any possibility of being happy or having a future ever again.
I’ve always been a person that lived in the now but plan for the future. The frustration of not knowing where I was or where I was going was debilitating.
About two months into the program I began realizing that there was a possibility of having a connection with somebody else that wasn’t grounded in romance or sex but in friendship and honesty.
After the trauma of losing a 13-year connection with another human being the process is ongoing but I don’t feel lost or hopeless or that there’s no possibility of having a connection with another person on any level.
-Harold Whyman
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Harmony was instrumental in helping me recenter my energy and vibration as I walked the path to create success in my business and personal life. I was very much on a war path trying to right a massive wrong. My energy was based on hate and anger because of the heartbreak I had experienced. The energy I was using to fuel my business was holding me back and blocking me from seeing clearly.
I worked with Harmony and she helped me to create a solid foundation for my business based on Love which completely change my energy and the opportunities coming my way.
Harmony offers profound insight into the arena of life and business and has an intuitive ability that guides one toward successfully finding just what they seek.
-Rick Fischer