The Love Warrior Program
7 step system that takes you through a holistic process to expand, heal, update your mental operating system, and own your power.
You are going to learn how to communicate with your mind and body. Assess your nutrition and supplements so you are optimizing your health.
You are going to explore your relationship with yourself and walk the path to create an unconditionally loving relationship with yourself. This path you will walk for the rest of your life as your self-love is something we have to commit to. Creating unconditional love takes time and you have to keep recommitting as we change and age. I am here to set you on the path and start you off on the right foot.
You will explore all of the relationships you have had throughout your life with those around you. Your parents, siblings, family, friendships, authority figures, etc. You will heal, expand, learn, and update programs. You will learn how to create a love arena to invite those you interact with into. You will learn how to be based on love so you can respond and not react to those with you interact with emotional intelligence.
You will explore your relationship with sexuality. Your power is in your sexuality. Society has made talking about sex taboo to control is. It’s time to change the narrative and talk openly, share thoughts, feelings and ideas and help each other break free of the chains we have had on us for thousands of years. Start on a beautiful journey to explore your sexuality and spend the rest of your life playing and expanding in all the ways you desire.
You are going to explore the “All You Can Eat Buffet” of spirituality. Spirituality isn’t something that should be dictated to you. It’s not something that is set up to make you feel like you are less than and you are never going to measure up. A system that makes you feel like you are restricted. One that has you feeling like you are less than and you are set up worshiping something that is greater than you and if you behave and follow the rules you will be blessed. Spirituality is unique and you make it what you want it to be. There is no ABC, 123 of how to do things. You don’t need an ulter, priest, medium, psychic, guru to tell you how to do things. I am here to guide you to access your own inner wisdom and knowledge. You are a Divine Being. A God/Goddess! You are connected to the Universe and you already have access to universal truth. You have all of the power and knowledge within you. You just have to be taught out to tap into it and you are off to the races. Let’s work together so you can take control of and own your spirituality!
Let’s not forget how important it is to explore your relationship with Abundance, Money!
We all have programming attached to money that holds us back. Let’s look at where you are at and update your mental operating system. Heal, learn, expand and break free of what has been holding you back from realizing your financial dreams. We are going to go through an assessment that is going to give you clarity as to where you are right now and create clear goals of where you are headed in the future to set you up for success.
Last but not least we are going to create a Life Plan. Once you have walked through each aspect of your life and you have healed, expanded, learned the lessons you wanted to learn and you have clarity. You can walk through each aspect of your life and create future goals. I will then anchor them into your subconscious mind so you can use the power of your mind to create the future you designed.
From the moment we start working together I am going to hold space with you with 0 Judgement and Unconditional Love. I see you as a Divine Being, a God/Goddess and work with you until you see yourself as I see you.
How many people hold that kind of space for you?
Come play with me and see what it’s like to bath in the energy of my Love Arena!
Click the button now to book your Discovery Session so we can get started and have so much fun together.