
Would you like to have a person who is bringing new content? Teachings that are one of a kind, unique and at the same time life-altering? 

Harmony Woodington C.Ht. is an international best-selling author and has 20 years of experience in health and wellness. She has had her own practice for almost a decade working with clients one on one and since 2020 has decided it’s time to bring her teachings to the world. She worked for many years with clients in the treatment room developing results-based exercises, workbooks, teachings that were based on what her clients needs to help them create resolution. Her passion has always been thinking outside the box to help her clients bust through their blocks to develop the confidence they need to create a powerful life based on their own hearts’ desires. She came to realize that at the root of everyone’s challenges that she worked with was a lack of self-love and confidence. So she focused on developing teachings and tools that would help them create the solid foundation they needed to fuel all of their dreams and desires. All of the systems and processes that you learn mean nothing if you don’t have the self-worth to put the processes into use and know that you are worth the success you create. 

Harmony Woodington C.Ht. has developed many frameworks over the years that are easy to learn and implement into your life that will make powerful shifts and shift your polarity. All of which have only been seen by the clients she has worked with within her treatment room. Harmony is full of energy and vitality. She will show up and not only teach never-before-seen frameworks and teachings, but she will also do it with love and energy that will have everyone in the room enthralled. She seems to have this magic superpower that has people falling in love with her upon their first meeting. She will pull everyone into her arena and have them all walking away feeling like they are her close friend. She is refreshing because she is so unfiltered and free with her own personal journey and stories. She has nothing to hide which allows her audiences to really feel close to her and her teachings. 

If you want to bring someone to speak who is going to have people leaving on a high, feeling empowered, charged, with powerful tools they can easily and immediately implement into their lives and work, Harmony is your woman! 

Book a call today to learn more about booking her for your event!