Self-Love Guided Visualization
Self-Love Guided Visualization
At the root of so many of our issues, including self-sabotage, depression, anxiety, addictions and destructive habits is self-love. Even people who seem to “have it all” on the exterior still feel that they are not empty and are self-loathing on the inside and can self-destruct. When the internal work to create a solid foundation isn’t established, the building will fall when the earthquake comes and shakes the building. Become rooted in Self-Love, knowing your worth. When hard times come, as they will, you will be able to push through knowing you and your dreams are worth fighting for.
Harmony helps you understand the core beliefs that run through all of your issues and change them so that you can lead a remarkable life. The skill is in locating why we still hold onto old outdated beliefs and remove that reasoning, along with the destructive beliefs themselves. This is what Harmony teaches – how to update your mental operating system and rewire your brain for Self-Love and success.
Use this Self-Love Guided Visualization anytime you feel like you need a boost. When you want to support yourself, your dreams, passions, or whatever you are working towards. You can download this and use it anytime on the go. Just make sure you are somewhere safe where you can close your eyes and allow yourself to get into a deep state of relaxation so the suggestions can effectively shift your mental operating system and update it for self-love. Download this visualization now to connect with your self-love.
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