Do you know how much of an impact you really have on others?
Do you struggle in connecting with people for one reason or another?
Do you find that people don’t like you for some reason and you just don’t know why?
Do you feel like maybe people are just jealous of you because of your looks and success?
I can relate, and here is why!
Most of my life I really struggled to create close relationships with other women. For some reason they just didn’t like me. They acted like I was a threat, and those relationships were full of conflict. Not knowing better, I assumed that they were jealous because I was beautiful so they thought I was a homewrecker and wanted to keep me away from their men. It was the only explanation I had back then!
Then, when I wasn’t even trying, a miracle happened that forever changed my interaction with other women. In 2012, I was in a car accident that knocked me out of my career as a full-time esthetician.
Shortly thereafter, while I was struggling to recover, my mother convinced my 14-year-old son to leave me to live with her. She promised him junk food, non-stop video games, no school, and all the not-so-healthy things that are so enticing to a teenager. It broke my heart that he chose to leave me. Soon after that, my father attempted suicide. I felt totally broken and just… lost.
That painful series of events started me on the healing journey that changed my life. I finally focused on creating a relationship with myself. I learned to love and embrace myself. In creating Self-Love, I created confidence and knew my worth, which changed my energy. I noticed that other women started to look up to me. They were drawn to me and wanted to get to know me. How was I so at peace, confident, and self-loving? They wanted to know my story and learn from me.
Suddenly, female relationships came to me with ease.
To be honest, it wasn’t something I was deliberately working on, so I didn’t notice the shift right away. However, one day it hit me that I was surrounded by female friends. I had never experienced this before!
I had been studying to become a Hypnotherapist, where I learned about behaviour and communication between people on a subconscious level. I realized that the conflict I had been experiencing with other women was really on me. Because I had been so insecure, they saw me as a threat to their relationships.
For most of my life, I was insecure and self-loathing. I had no sense of self-worth. When I met a woman, she would subconsciously pick up on my insecurity and her alarm bells would go off. Women could sense that I was insecure, so they didn’t trust me around their men, and would avoid me.
Let me explain this another way. I have a few birds at home. Birds understand that they’re prey. In the wild, they always have to be on the watch because there are many creatures that see them as a great snack. Birds have developed see-through eyelids so that even when they’re sleeping, they can see movement around them.
They are also very energy sensitive — they always seem to be aware of what you’re feeling — they have to be for their own safety. When you’re angry, birds might react and bite you. I am very comfortable around my birds, so they’re at ease with me. However, if a new person they meet feels nervous, so do the birds.
Let’s use Rocky, my African Grey, as an example. Rocky is between 12–16 inches tall, which is still tiny compared to even a human. We have about 5’ on a Grey like Rocky. He’s also very fragile — he has hollow bones, and it would be easy for a person to kill a bird of that size.
Rocky knows that he’s prey. He knows that the new person is a lot bigger than him. Rocky doesn’t know what that nervous person is going to do — he might bite the person to protect himself from the potential threat.
My Grey is a gentle sweetheart. When I pass him to a person who is nervous he will look at me, asking to come back — he can tell that the person holding him doesn’t feel confident. If the person is open and not afraid, Rocky will chill peacefully on the person’s hand. There is no verbal interaction between them. This exchange is totally energetic.
I was bringing that same energy exchange to the women I met. Unlike my birds, I wasn’t going to bite their hands, but when I was insecure, they felt the need to protect themselves. When I developed self-love and confidence, women I met no longer felt the need to protect themselves. They were feeling my energy. I was at peace and full of love. This immediately put them at peace. They wanted what I had!
All of this happens on a subconscious level below our awareness. Our intellect puts us on the top of the food chain. However, if you were out in the forest and you ran into a bear, all of a sudden you would respond on an energetic level to survive. This is called “Fight or Flight”.
When I had that AH HAH! moment, I realized that I was the cause of the discord with other women. I also realized that I could create the energy I wanted in my own energy field. That way when a person came and interacted with me, I would be able to control the energy in the space.
There were more AH HAH! moments. I realized that I could communicate with myself and become Energetically Intelligent. I became more aware of my own energy and I learned how it works. I learned how to control it so the people who came into my energetic field were bathing in love and they didn’t even know it on a conscious level. It has totally changed the way people perceive and treat me.
This is how I Created A Love Arena. It has changed my life and I want to share these strategies with you to change your life too!
You can use your energy to create whatever arena you want. But the highest vibration, most powerful energy that you can create is Love.
Let’s break it down:
Here is the framework for how to create a love arena.
- Become aware of how your energy works
- Understand what an aura is and how it functions
- Learn how to control the energy in your aura
- Learn how to maintain you energy
Let’s look at each aspect and break it down so that you can start to do this for yourself.
- Become Aware of How Your Energy Works
First You are a Divine Being having a Human experience. Your spirit, essence, and soul house your body. Not the other way around. Your physical being is much smaller than your spirit, which extends many feet outside of your physical being. When a person is in your energetic field, their energy is interacting with your soul. The aspect of your soul that exists outside of your physical being is called the Aura.
So what people are doing when they are in each other’s energetic space is communicating with each other’s souls. WOAH THAT’S DEEP!
This interaction happens on a subconscious level. We make choices and take actions that we aren’t even aware of unless the person’s energy is very intense. As a child, I had experiences being out with my mother and noticing that a person seemed really creepy.
Let’s take that interaction and break it down even further so you can get closer to owning and controlling your own energy, spirit, soul, aura.
2. Understand What an Aura Is and How It Functions
You now know your Spirit, Soul, or Energy Field is the Aura. Let’s talk about how the Aura’s functions. From my own discovery I have found that the part of your soul that extends beyond your physical body has two functions. It can be broken down into two sections.
- Inner Aura
- Outer Aura
The inner aura is the section of your aura that extends from the body outwards that creates your personal space. How many inches that is tends to be dictated by the environment you live in. Places like Canada, and in the country a person is going to have a larger personal space bubble than a person who lives in large heavily populated cities and countries like China, Japan, Thailand.
If you think about personal space and how it tends to function. You find yourself feeling uncomfortable when someone breaks into that barrier when you haven’t been allowed to go through the process of getting to know them and making a decision as to whether you feel that you are safe to be in close quarters with.
Your inner aura functions like an alarm system, a protection field. It’s the aspect of your aura that protects you against physical and energetic attacks. I know you are aware of the physical space and it being infringed upon. Have you ever thought that it is also there to protect you and make you aware of any energetic attacks that a person might be sending your way?
People send negative energy, thoughts and even wish harm on others not knowing how powerful their thoughts are. There are people and cultures that practice dark magic and deliberately send curses, energetic attacks, and even call on entities to mess with others they wish harm upon.
I find so many cultures are aware of and totally accept and use dark magic except the white peeps in North America. It could be because our culture doesn’t have the deep routes that many other countries and cultures do. North America was also founded on Christianity which doesn’t really recognize the presence of dark magic.
The Outer aura is the aspect of your soul that continues to extend beyond your personal space. This section of the aura is what interacts with others who are in your space. Your outer aura could extend from 8 feet to encompass the planet if you chose to extend it that much. When speaking on stage and sharing your passion you can fill the arena with your aura and have everyone in that space bathe in your energy. Which can be a very powerful thing if you are energetically intelligent and have filled your outer aura with love.
So, let’s recap. Your inner aura is for your awareness and protection. Your outer aura is for interacting with others.
Now that you have an understanding of how your soul, aura functions I would like to talk to you about how you can dictate it to function for your benefit.
3. Learn How to Control the Energy in Your Aura
Inner Aura
To work with your inner aura first look at it being an alarm system that is there to protect you. An alarm system has a way of notifying you when there is a threat. Seeing as this is your personal alarm system, you get to dictate with your consciousness what you want that alarm systems notification to be.
In working with clients, I have suggested either a song popping into your mind or a very specific visual. Use a song that doesn’t usually pop into your mind on a regular basis. As for visuals you could use an animal or a superhero emblem or something that will be a clear indicator to you and will pop out as a clear message to you that there is a threat.
What you are going to do is first decide what that alarm system mechanism is going to be and then you are going to take a time out and meditate. In a state of meditation see or hear that symbol or song playing and dictate to your inner aura that this is the sign you will receive anytime there is an energetic threat.
Then let’s look at the other aspect of your inner aura.
Protection- You can program your inner aura to function in a way that it will protect you when energetic attacks are sent your way as well as alert you. Keeping in mind that you want to allow love and positive energy to come your way, you want to think of something you can use that will flow energy allowing positive energy in and negative energy to flow out.
It’s only natural to think of a protection field being something like a brick or steel wall. The challenge with that is, it blocks positive energy as well.
Now if you think about something that flows and allows good energy to flow in and negative energy to flow out what could that be?
Does anything come to mind?
If not let me suggest something to you.
The elements flow. Water, fire, air, ether. Maybe stay away from earth. These will serve your purpose very nicely unless you have something else in mind.
When you have that in mind you are going to be in a state of meditation, seeing your inner aura becoming the visual of your choosing. Then you will communicate to your inner aura that it will allow love and positive energy in and flow out and release negative energy.
Once you have done that you are set. Your inner aura is there to protect you and alert you when there is a threat.
Outer Aura
Your outer aura being the aspect of your aura that is interacting with others needs to be looked after so you are communicating with people in a way that benefits you. When you are unaware of your outer aura and how it is communicating. You are sending energetic messages to people that they are receiving on a subconscious level that is dictating their decision and actions toward you and they don’t even know why.
The last thing you want is to be sabotaging yourself with your own energy. Becoming energetically intelligent is a very important piece of creating your desired results in business and in all aspects of life.
Seeing as your outer aura is you, it’s going to be vibing whatever emotions you are vibing. So, if you are a person who is driven by hate and anger as a result of the life you have lived. You are using that hate and anger to create change and you feel you are justified in using that anger as fuel, you are going to have an outer aura filled with that hate and anger. People who come into your energy field are going to be bathing in those feelings which are low vibration, and they are going to make a decision on a subconscious level that they don’t want to be around you, work with you, be friends with you, be your lover etc. Unless there is something about them that attracts that energy because of their own past pain and trauma. In general, you are going to repel people with the energy of hate and anger.
If you are a victim and you believe that everything happens to you. The world is out to get you. You are fearful, guarded and believe that everyone is out to get you, and no one is safe. Anyone who interacts with you is going to feel your resistance and fear. Not knowing what you are going to do with those feelings of fear and the need to self-protect, they will in turn subconsciously put up a protection field as well because there is going to be something about you that doesn’t feel safe.
This is why you create what you are putting out. People you interact with are feeling your energy and reacting on a subconscious level.
I am giving you the opportunity to become aware of this interaction on a conscious level and to take control of your own energy.
Choose what energy you want the people you interact with so you can create the results you desire.
What do you think would be the best energy for people to be surrounded by?
What energy do you think is going to create your desired income?
I’m going to let you take a wild guess just for fun and then I will tell you.
The best energy to bathe people that will always support you winning in life is…
Create a Love Arena!
Again, if we look at your outer aura being you. The way to do that is to work on yourself so that you ARE LOVE!!!
You need to become love. That way 98% of the time you are vibing love. The only time you’re not is when you are triggered and low energy for some reason. The way to do that of course is to heal, expand and create a powerful loving relationship with yourself. Self-Love is where it starts and from that place of self-love you can share that love with others when they are in your outer aura.
Yes I know this is not a simple answer. Sometimes the answer of how to create a result isn’t as simple as abc, 123. Sometimes there is a path and work that has to be done.
Weight release and creating a healthy beautiful body is the same. Many people would love to be able to just pop pills, eat pizza, chips, drink pop and still somehow end up sex on a stick. It just doesn’t work that way. If you want to be healthy and sexy you have to eat healthy food and you have to exercise your body to make it sexy and strong. It’s such a simple formula and yet it’s not easy either. It takes time, dedication and hard work. That is why there are always going to be people selling pills. There are always going to be people looking for the easy answers.
Creating a love arena is the same. There is no easy answer to make your soul vibrate with love. You have to do the work to heal, expand and love yourself. Simple and yet hard work.
Now that you have the answers about how to manage your aura, let’s look at how you can maintain your energy.
4. Learn How to Maintain Your Energy
Our energy isn’t static which means that it is going to change with you and your moods. If you are triggered or are in a bad mood, if you are sick and weak for any reason, your alarm system and the flow of your energy which is your soul will be compromised.
So, let’s talk about how you can maintain your alarm system and protection field. When you are sick and compromised your energy will drop. When you are triggered, angry, sad, grieving your energy will change. Over time if you don’t keep an eye on and maintain your energy, what you have created will be lost. Once you expand and become aware, it’s important to keep focusing, expanding, learning and self-communicating.
Another thing you can do is self-communicate every solstice and equinox to ensure that your energy is high, and everything is flowing just as it should. Your body has needs that change with the seasons and what foods are available, your energy has the same needs and always needs attention and maintenance.
Now that you are aware of how things work energetically are, I would like to challenge you to take charge of your energy and see what it does for you in your interaction with others.
I am honoured to hold space for you and to teach you what I have spent many years learning and discovering. I hope what I teach you expedites your expansion and helps you on the road to investing in your dreams.
If you want to learn more about working with me please go to or you can click on this link to book a FREE Discovery Session.
Harmony Woodington C.Ht.